Richard Dupont


Former Factory Boys and identical twins, Richard and Robert DuPont, were just a pair of 17 year-old Connecticut prepsters when they found themselves at the center of the drug, booze, and sex-induced intoxica-tion that was Andy Warhol’s New York City in 1977. 

More than 35 years later, one-half of the DuPont twins and Reserved Magazine’s West Coast Editor, Richard DuPont, shares some of his most treasured memories with us. To our delight, his experiences were indeed laced with all the glamour, seduction, and power that one would expect of the era. In taking a closer look, however, we discovered vulnerability, heartbreak, and fragility of spirit at the core. 

When unraveled, Richard’s stories of friendships, fashion, and fetes all reveal one common thread—the pursuit of love and magic.  Today, Rich-ard has a new tale, a memoir that celebrates this quest, entitled I Found Somebody to Love Me. 

These are the stories he reserved for us, shared via text message conver-sations. 


My twin brother, Robert and I, like my dear friend Whitney Mercurio, grew up in Fairfield, Connecticut. We were adopted and our parents divorced when we were very young. After the divorce, Mother was al-ways looking for the next husband, and we were constantly moving from home to home. There were maybe 20 homes until Robert and I left at 17. We basically took care of ourselves and never had parents at home. I knew I was gay when I was 15 when I went to my first gay bar, The Brook Café in Westport. I met a Yale graduate student there named Bill. After one night with him, he began to blackmail and threaten me, saying he would tell my parents, the whole town of Fairfield, and everyone in my school that I was gay. It lasted for several months.

I was scared to death of being “found out”. I couldn’t sleep. My grades were horrible along with my attendance, so I started drinking and do-ing drugs. I had to get a job to support my cocaine and heroin habit, so I started working for Martha Stewart, who had just started a catering company. 
Robert and I both worked for Martha.  We also worked at her gourmet shop in Westport called The Market Basket. There I met Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, who were on the board of The Westport Country Playhouse. They got me a telemarketing job there; I was raising money for the playhouse’s renovation. I was also an usher; I worked all the time. I just wanted to run away from my life in Connecticut, move to NYC, and become an actor.

Anyway, back to Bill (the Yalie); I just wanted all of his tormenting to end. It did, one weekend in P’town, in the summer of ‘76. We were at The Crown & Anchor and I was crying at the bar when Bill went to the bath-room. A gentleman beside me asked with a thick Southern accent, what was the matter. I told him what Bill was doing to me, and boy, oh boy, was he angry! He said to me, “you won’t have to worry about Bill again. Go home, do your best in school and get a good education.” I never saw Bill again, but I did see that fine Southern gentleman again. It was Tennessee Williams, who became a dear friend.

Back in Fairfield, I took Tennessee Williams’ advice, and started to do better in school. I took an interest in art and photography (David LaChappelle was in my photography class.). At this time, I also discov-ered Alcoholics Anonymous and started going to meetings. They say, “You’re only as sick as your secrets,” so I shared my homosexuality there, and I made some friends. 

I discovered my love for theatre and dance. With the money I was mak-ing with Martha Stewart, I started taking dance lessons, and going to New York to see every Broadway show I could—this was sure better than buying drugs. But I eventually lost that drive when my disease caught up with me and I was drinking and drugging every night at Studio 54. It was after working a party in NYC with Martha that we went to Studio. Two waiters working the party asked us to go with them. It had been open for, maybe, a week.


At seventeen I took my first trip to Paris with my first true love, Rudolph Nureyev. I met Rudolph in ‘77 after an evening of dancing at Studio 54 at Doris Duke’s apartment. We danced for hours together in Doris’ Disco Den. And had fantastic sex there for hours. The next day we were flying to Paris together where I stayed with him for five months. 

Life was so grand in Paris with Rudolph. He introduced me to caviar and dressed me in fur coats and Saint Laurent.  His Paris apartment was like a Czar’s dream palace. The apartment occupied an 18th-century building overlooking the Louvre. He adored objects—paintings, fabrics and carpets. We went shopping almost every day. He would take me to his dear friend Yves Saint Laurent’s salon and dressed me in the most marvelous suits: lots of velvets.  

I knew it wasn’t going to last with Rudolph. I had the best five months with him and the greatest memories. We had a great friendship. He taught me to enjoy life and really appreciate the arts. There were always guys around more handsome than me, though, with better bodies. Most were dancers. I feel, now, that my jealousy ruined the relationship.

The relationship ended after a trip to Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge’s home in Marrakech. We were there for three nights, or so. Ru-dolph invited two other guys to join us that I didn’t know about. It was ‘The End.’ I remember crying into the arms of Loulou de la Falaise who was there, in Marrakech. She said to me, “You’re young, my love. One day you will find the true love of your life and it will be magical.”

I used to joke that Rudolph broke up with me because of my long dis-tance phone calls to Andy and Truman (Capote) in New York. Andy and Truman always gave me great advice, especially when it came to relationships. Rudolph would say, “You talk for hours and have these marathon calls. What do you talk about for this long?”


I was not thinking about continuing my education at all. I was still work-ing for Martha, who was constantly saying, “Where will you be going to school?  Where are you applying?” I did not tell her about Robert and my new life in NyC. But I did confide in Dorian Leigh, who worked with Martha. Dorian was the original ‘Fire and Ice’ girl for Revlon. She was Suzy Parker’s sister; (Richard) Avedon’s favorite model. They say Audrey Hepburn’s character in Funny Face was based on Dorian; and apparent-ly, so was Holly Golightly.
Dorian Leigh became my best girlfriend and closest confidant. She taught me about fashion; she worked with the best designers. We talked about fashion photography and she showed me all of her Avedon and Dahl-Wolfe photographs. We also chatted about men, “Take ‘em and leave ‘em,” she said, “there will be lots, my darling.” I told her about all the fabulous people I was meeting, like Egon von Furstenberg who gave me a job producing his and Nikki Haskell’s cable TV show, The Nikki Haskell show. Dorian said, “Sweetie Pie, you will, like me, meet lots of fabulous and interesting people in your life. I certainly have. They all are your friends. But you know, Sugar, at the end you can only count on one hand who your ‘true friends’ are. Take that from me.” I learned this. She said, “You don’t need college. You’re getting the best education you can get from me and all the people you are meeting.”


Andy worked hard; he painted every day, Saturdays and Sundays, too. It was all about work for him. He was always working on getting ads for Interview, or trying to get portrait commissions. He was so generous with his time with me. He taught me how to be a good listener. He would say, “If you’re not having fun with the work you’re doing, then don’t do it.” Maybe that’s why I’ve had so many careers.

When I met Andy, l felt really drawn to him. He said, “you’re so hand-some. You should be in Interview.” I used to walk sometimes from his home on 66th Street to 860 Broadway.  We’d be carrying copies of In-terview and these kids, who were my age, would want his autograph. He’d say, “Get Richard’s, too, he’s famous.” He always made you feel so special. If the kids were cute, Andy would say, “Come on up for lunch at The Factory. We’ll put you on the cover.” I don’t remember any of these kids getting in, though. You had to be buzzed in by Brigid (Berlin), who was Andy’s closest friend and confidant. When I lived with Brigid a few years ago, I used to call her Mrs. Warhol.

Andy liked youth. And I think he would still be with the kids if he were with us today. He appreciated anybody who was creative and young, and helped them. Andy would say to me, “Hard work will never kill anyone. Idle time will.” He had a great work ethic.

I think the biggest misconception about Andy is that he was shy. He was incredibly talkative and hilarious. I would laugh so hard around him, or when I was on the phone with him. I’d cry; he was so very funny.
We’d chat about what went on at Studio 54 after he went home, and what went on at Halston’s house later. He wanted to know everything about what was going on. Andy was very curious. 


Andy was a great matchmaker. He fixed Freddie Mercury and me up. I met Freddie at Trader Vic’s one evening. I was there with Salvador Dali and Gala. Freddie came up to me and asked me for a cigarette. We smoked our cigarettes and I told him I had to go to a dinner at Regine’s; that a friend had invited me to. I asked if he would like to join me. We walked over to Regine’s to join Andy, Diana Vreeland, Fred Hughes and Catherine Guinness. 

Andy said to me, “You don’t know who your friend is, do you? That’s Freddie Mercury from Queen,” he said. “you must make him your boy-friend. He’s famous.” I didn’t know Queen. I knew Barbara Streisand and Diana Ross and my favorite, The Carpenters. Also any Broadway show album. Andy was saying to Freddie, “Richard is so fabulous and fun to have around, He will keep you laughing all of the time, and really is so charming.” I turned beet red. Freddie was laughing, as was the rest of the table. Freddie looked at me and said, “Do you want to keep me laughing for a while, and come back to my hotel?” I did, and that was the beginning of a relationship that lasted over a year.

I was young and impressionable. I remember being at Halston’s house one evening, and Bianca Jagger was there. She was staying there when she and Mick split up. I remember saying to her how in love I was with Freddie and that I hardly saw much of him because he was working all of the time. I remember Halston saying, “you’re a rock star wife, get used to lots of lonely nights in bed. And, sweetie pie, he must be seeing other people don’t you think?” Bianca was sympathetic, I remember. I was now becoming more insecure about our relationship. Freddie would fly to New york and stay with me at the St. Regis hotel. My brother and I were living there as guests of our friends, Salvador Dali and Gala. I would fly to London and stay at The Dorchester. I couldn’t stay with him because of his cats. I’m so allergic. 

When we were dating, Freddie wanted to see where I grew up. So, we drove to my home on Spruce Street in Southport, CT, the pretty, upper-class little section of the already upperclass town of Fairfield. We stayed for two nights. Freddie said to me, “I want to dress like my Prepster,” so I took him shopping at the Fairfield Department Store, where he bought several Lacoste shirts. We had a great time in Connecticut. We even danced at the legendary Brook Café in Westport, where someone said, “Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Freddie Mercury?” Freddie said, “All the time.” Freddie wanted to have fun with this guy, so he sang a few lines from a Queen song. The silly guy then said, “you wish you could sing like Freddie Mercury, he is the greatest there is.” This guy didn’t believe it was Freddie Mercury sitting there at the Brook Café in Westport. We had a great time there. We laughed so much.

Back in those days, in the Disco Era, the men I was falling in love with all wanted ‘open relationships.’  I remember the evening Freddie said to me, at Mr. Chow in London, that he wanted to see other guys and that he already was. I got so upset. “Why can’t we have a Doris Day/Rock Hud-son relationship?” I asked (Omg, was I pathetic.) He responded, “I heard Rock Hudson is gay. you should go out with him and also other people.” I got into my drama queen mode and threw a drink in Freddie’s face. He and I started arguing and my dear friend the late Tina Chow came rush-ing over to our table. “Will you two stop it? Behave yourselves. You two are like George and Martha from Who’s Afraid of Virgina Woolf’,” the divine Tina Chow said. We began calling ourselves George and Martha after that. But it became so unhealthy that we ended it.


I was talking to a friend the other day about Andy. He asked me if I think Andy would be on Facebook, or the computer. Andy would say, “Isn’t this so great? It’s so Joe Modern.” But I think he’d have people around who were able to use the computer, and do Facebook for him. 
When I was living with Brigid Berlin, in NYC a few years ago, she didn’t understand texting. She would get annoyed with me when I was texting. I don’t think Andy would be texting on a cell phone. Like Brigid, he would pick up the phone. Texting would be too modern. He loved chat-ting on the phone. 

Brigid and I were producers on the film Factory Girl. We spent a lot of time with the film’s stars Guy Pearce and Sienna Miller. I remember being out to dinner with Brigid, Guy, and Sienna. Sienna had a few phones and was texting. Brigid was amazed at how she could be texting on several phones and Sienna offered to teach Brigid how to text. Brigid wasn’t interested. “It’s too modern. I prefer to go out on the phone,” she said. Like Andy, Brigid likes talking on the phone.


Dali did a wonderful, large drawing of Robert and me. It’s gone now. When I found out I was positive in ‘94, my addiction really got the worse of me. I was drinking heavily and doing every drug available: heroin, co-caine, crystal . My life was unmanageable. I was really sick and weighed 155 pounds. I had the lowest element of people in my life then living in my apartment. Streemetht urchins. One of the guys went running down Sunset Blvd. with it under his arm. This jerk knew what he had under his arm and sold it for a quick fix of drugs. Anyway, it’s just a thing. 
A possession. I remember having lunch with two good friends in L.A. at Spago, Truman Capote and Lester Persky. It was just before Truman passed away. Truman said, “Possessions are obligations. What’s import-ant is wonderful friends and great loves.” I have to agree with my friend Truman.



Robert and I were living in Beverly Hills and we decided to find our natural mother who had put us up for adoption. We ended up moving east to Connecticut, where she lives, to get to know her.  It didn’t work out too well. After giving birth to us, she became a nun for several years. She’s no longer a nun, but couldn’t accept that Robert and I were gay, so Cornelia and C.Z. Guest (who we met through Truman) said, “Get out of that unhealthy situation, and come and live with us for a while.” As Dorian Leigh said, you only have a handful of people you can call true friends. I hold my friendship with C.Z. and Cornelia close to my heart.


A memory I will always cherish is one from 1989. I moved to LA that year  and decided one day to drive the Pacific Coast Highway to San Francis-co. I checked into the Mark Hopkins Hotel there. I hadn’t seen Halston for several years. I was in the elevator going up to my room, the elevator stops, the doors open, and there is Halston in front of me.
He was living at the Mark Hopkins and was sick, It was a year before he died. He smiled, and in Halston manner said, “Darling twin, Richard or Robert.” He said, “Honey, want to go for a ride with me?” Of course I said yes, after giving him a hug and big kiss. 

We drove around San Francisco in a black Rolls Royce for about an hour or so, just driving and reminiscing of the great times at 54, his home, and friends that were gone. He told his driver to put in the Studio 54 tape. Halston said Stevie (Rubell) gave it to him years before and he still played it. The two of us sang along to some of the songs. I remember singing to Donna Summer’s “Last Dance.”  I guess you could say that was my last dance with my friend Halston. “I’m getting back on my floatie. Two hot guys in the pool, and I want to meet them. At this moment, I’d be up for a three-way.”

introduction and edit by quynh dang

illustration Mitja Bokun

// Author: Richard Dupont // Photographer: Anton Perich and Andy Warhol

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Paz flickers inside her computer as we begin the interview, almost like she's coming in and out of existence. Her reception is a little shaky. She's hiding in a far-away land, which sounds romantic if we didn't know anything about the circumstances. She is raising money for a film to
Jules Wood goes behind the lens shooting model Tom Hawkins in the rural lands of Walton on Trent, England.    
My process creating this brand-new collection was different. Weirder I played a Frankensteinian a game with my own mind. 'Cadavre Exquis' is also known as a collage of consequences. Where tops & bottoms are playing telephone. Fittingly clashing. I found new holes and loops and hook up tubes to the
Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY AW24 is an ode to Moshkirk. To Scotland. To the rebellious spirits of a revived subculture that lives on strong to this day. It also speaks to the magical, the fables and stories, the absurd, and delivers this in a way that celebrates Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY in
Fall-Winter 24 embodies the confident elegance of nighttime Paris, showcasing AMI’s distinguished wardrobe with outstanding depth, expressed through patterns textures, movements and shapes. The collection boldly transitions by embracing the elegance and sophistication that characterize the Maison. Defined silhouettes, with sharp lines and petite proportions, showcase slender shoulders and trim
The ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE collection is a manifesto on the power of the body, both physically and psychic, to regenerate from traumas. It serves as a satire of a modern world where the normalization of our existence thrusts us into the eye of the storm. A true cry of
Sidling up to the makeover machine, they enter… whirrr, click, click, click, whoosh… and they stride out, changed. Standing taller, they are buffed, polished and shimmering. Once used and worn, they are spanking new. The metamorphosis depicted on the Fall Winter 2024 runway is modeled by sets of twins, wearing
Tokyo cult-favorite sneaker and shoe brand grounds presents its new campaign for the upcoming PRE-FALL ‘24 collection titled, ‘Dessert’, and photographed by Katy Shayne. The series of impish photos star Elena Gatsenko and Yvana Han and is shot against the backdrop of a classic Americana diner in Los Angeles. The two models are
Reserved Magazine Hayden Panettiere Ben Cope Luca Kingston Rena Calhoun Vittorio Masecchia BJ Panda Bear 1
If an adolescence on Hollywood's doorstep taught Hayden Panettiere one thing, it would be a remarkable, almost unfathomable resilience. The actor, activist, mother, and 2000s-era icon tackles her new start with the grace and tenacity of a self-made woman. Armed with a lifetime's-worth of wisdom, a truth to herself, and
  Sandra Bernhard has been hosting her now-legendary New Year’s Eve variety show for decades, enchanting scores of delighted guests with her eclectic musical choices, her unique voice, her utterly engaging stories, and her unending starpower. Bernhard’s love for life cannot be tapped down by year-end global conundrums, whatever they
Stud Country Dance
On a beautiful brisk and sunny day at the top of the hill at the Paramour Estate in Silverlake, a creative crew of beautiful novice dancers all came out ready to sway for Nike Women, celebrating their latest holiday 2023 drop. The day's curated dance session focused on the community
guests at grounds H lorenzo party death by romy
Tokyo shoe brand Grounds took over H. Lorenzo's Sunset men's location to launch their latest in dimensional Japanese footwear. Just in time to launch the holidays Grounds brought abstract art installations, and a touch of Japanese street markets to LA with a pop-up. The launch of the subversive shoe at
Following last year’s runway show, Prof. Jimmy Choo’s Mayfair based JCA | London Fashion Academy, hosted a presentation of its MA designers cohort, on Thursday 12th October. Stephen Smith, Founder and CEO of the JCA comments: “We are so excited to participate in this years' London Frieze Week and where better
Glume Harlow + Huntington
Rendezvous with Glume Harlow The Emergence of Play Girl Records Glume Harlow + Huntington   Last October, shortly before her European tour, I interviewed pop synth sensation, Glume. She delivered a vulnerable interview, to say the least. The artist's past, what it was as a child actor, and the stories that shaped
sculpture Sav Gallery
Tucked in a stylish corner of West Hollywood, SAV GALLERY, is a dynamic space that celebrates unique voices, diversity and artistic innovation by Founder, Stefania Arrivabene Varney and Partner, Emily Mace. On the first rain of the winter season, SAV Gallery previewed their final exhibition for 2023 - ‘Artficium Sui
For the last 10 years Ashton Michael has made it through to a generation of angsty kids. His designs graced the top tier cast of pop punk purveyors from Machine Gun Kelly to Avril Lavigne, who was on hand along with Mod Sun, and Korn's Johnathan Davis to see his
How do you Pride in Palm Springs? Beyond the madness of hunting down the goods at the outlets, as well as the classic rat pack era restaurants, my expectations of the desert weekend were already wrapped around the old school glamour of what Hollywood’s get away had to offer. Instead,
For SS24, Luis De Javier moved into a new era with his mentorship from Riccardo Tisci. Gender fluid silhouettes and bold lines spoke to the current climate of late night designer wears. The collection was inspired by the 90s Spanish rave movement call “La Rita del Bacalao”, a subculture which
On the last stop of Macklemore’s tour at the Palladium, Jeremy Kost took to the scene to grab iconic polaroids of the Seattle raised rapper, singer, and songwriter.
After decades of expansion throughout the ever-shifting landscape of dance music, Crystal Waters remains on top. The songwriter and recording artist, measured and determined in her choices across the entire realm of her career, has remained a mainstay since her breakthrough into the post-disco scene of the 80s. With lyrics
Sage Willows Photographed by Hawk Krubert
Sage Willows’ latest exhibition, "Nothing Is As It Seems," stands as a powerful testament to his profound capability to navigate and convey the depth and complexity of human experience through visual art. In showcasing the "hybrid camo" series, the exhibition hosted by Oberfeld Contemporary, beckons viewers into an immersive exploration
Step into a World of Artistic Wonder at 685 Third Avenue: A Cultural Oasis in the Heart of Manhattan with its solo exhibition in New York City by artist Delphine Diallo titled Rhythm and Flow: Celebrating the Fluidity of Femininity on September 13th, 2023, with the opening night from 5:00
Model Ysaunny Brito wearing SHAO 2024 collection. Photographed by Alexander Thompson for Reserved magazine.
SHAO S/S 2024 Born in Taiwan, designer Shao Yang moved to Brooklyn, New York when she was just five years old. As a first generation child, her parents made sure their daughter had the chance to reach the American dream. Yang attended the famous LaGuardia High School for Performing Arts,
Trudon celebrated the unveiling of their newest fragrance "Vixi" at the opening of their Melrose boutique. Cultivating an atmosphere that was all at once minimalist whilst veering into the lush. This was exemplified by evoking hints of bloomcore and the classic wooden shelving, a perfect frame for their range of
Natalia Bonifacci shot by Mathilde Bresson
Mathilde Bresson photographs model Natalia Bonifacci in the Californian country side styled by Lisa Madonna in fall 2023 looks from MSGM with hair by Heather-Rae Bang and Makeup by Jessica Ahn Model: Natalia Bonifacci. Photographed by Mathilde Bresson. Styled by Lisa Madonna. Hair: Heather-Rae Bang using Balmain Hair Couture at
RESERVED MAGAZINE photographed by Ben Cope chained by Sedona legge 3
Sedona Legge launched Chained by Sedona from a deep love of fashion and her experience as a model working with brands from Gucci, Rodarte, to Chloé. As her life continued to be surrounded by the creative forces which built the world around fashion, she went from in front of the lens
Tove Lo photographed by Jeremy Kost at The Rooftop at Pier 17, 2023 Image 5
Jeremy Kost braved the intense heat of sweltering New York summer nights to capture Tove Lo at her performance at Pier 17 amidst of the US Open, Fashion Week, VMAs and Armory madness.  
Reserved’s Jules Wood and BJ Panda Bear brought Hollywood antics to Soho hosting a party at Sixty Soho Butterfly for the kick off to fashion week. The Muses DJed to a crowd that perfectly exemplified the Downtown's creative class as they sipped on Mijenta Margaritas and got lost in the
“Chula means beautiful… I call my daughter Chula, my mom calls me mija. So these names resonate with the family and I have so many customers who say oh my gosh my horses name is chula, my sisters niece is called chula. It’s that wonderful feeling of family. It feels
SYDNEY PALMIERI I WISH YOU THE WORST The Indie Pop Siren, Sydney Palmieri is back at it with another heart-felt tearjerker of a relationship gone wrong and her wishing her ex the worst in a tortured love affair through song. As Palmieri swoons in her latest single, "I WISH YOU
Courtesy Quentin Veron
Quentin Veron’s world of whimsy and sustainability merge conceptual ideology’s that barely align in thought, but when constructed through the furriers’ craft emerges and outcome that evokes otherworldly visions of the meeting point of maximalism and minimalism along with sustainability and luxury. For his black and white collection of fox
Arushi Kapoor in studio
Arushi Kapoor | COLLECTING ART IN THE MODERN WORLD Reserved: Why don't we start with a little bit about where you're from and where you grew up? Arushi: I grew up very internationally, I was very lucky. I grew up in New Delhi, India and then moved to London. I
For AW23 Spencer Phipps launched an LA centric collection for PHIPPS celebrating the expanse of the west. A redefining moment to present a sense of ”an iconic American fashion brand.” The excitement of the embrace of the Cali west has come to shine through in the collections vision of denim,
Director and photographer, Dana Boulos and artist Natalie Krim take on Tokyo with a show at The Plug Gallery presented by Paper Work NYC. The exhibition Daydream takes place in fashion hub of Shibuya. Contextually the show diverts to escapist futurism and the monastic descriptions of prayer, embracing otherworldly
Yaamava’ Resort & Casino at San Manuel in Highland, California, east of Los Angeles, hosted two days of collection presentations by Native American designers April 20 and 21. Produced by fashion publicist, bestselling author and TV personality Kelly Cutrone, the event featured a runway show by Jamie Okuma, the first
New York City based singer Jack Powers photographed for Reserved magazine by Alexander Thompson. Digital cover.
JACK POWERS JACK POWERS IS PHENOMENAL by Meg Yates On the heels of the release of his new track “Tommy Phenomenal” and the accompanying video featuring Cumgirl8, pop musician Jack Powers gives us the 4-1-1 New York, mandatory dancing, and how he got to be so fucking fabulous.     MY:
A slashed dress with a square neckline and silver metal zip detailing in ultramarine wool.
Alexander Mcqueen Pre-Fall/Winter 2023 collection. An exploration of beauty and power through tailoring and a focus on cut, proportion and silhouette. The classic subverted: wardrobe spliced and slashed. Uniform is re-imagined. Hyper nature. Solarized flowers appear alongside bright pinks, yellows and reds and elaborate crystal embroideries. Shoes Punk sandals in
tei shi reserved magazine cover shot by david simon dayan styled by bj panda bear
TEI SHI BAD PREMONITION The evolution of a musician can often run into diverse sonic directions, though it is imperative if not truly a lifeline when they transcend the momentary musings to really add and subtract from the eternal narratives which they abide. Valerie Teicher Barbosa aka Tei Shi, the
Tyler Matthew Oyer photographed by Erik André Nes for Reserved magazine.
TYLER MATTHEW OYER BERLIN ALIEN Tyler Matthew Oyer is a multidisciplinary artist in the truest sense, one who unapologetically and promiscuously moves into and out of, and between and across performance, nightlife, video, writing, photography and music. The promiscuity of medium is part of the queerness of Oyer’s project, an
Stella Rose Gahan for Reserved magazine. Photographed by Alexander Thompson in New York City.
STELLA ROSE GAHAN EYES OF GLASS Stella Rose Gahan introduced fragments of Eyes of Glass, her debut album released May 19th on the heels of two well-received singles. “Muddled Man” and “Angel” established Stella Rose as a poetic force and powerful singer. “Passionate and dissolute, ‘Muddled Man’ recalls Nick Cave
GL Wood Studios started off with the most basic forms of artwork always creating and drawing as a child. In the year 2000, GL Wood attended the University of Georgia and began his journey to combine photography with other forms of mixed media. After a couple of successful art shows
The Sirens of Titan || Dark Heart Beating Perhaps it says something about a band when the preface to their music comes not via a press release, but rather from the pen of the author of a book about the life of Serge Gainsbourg, but it’s exactly what one might
  The idea that a place where palm trees, desert, dates, and silent heat takes up the most space can turn into a riviera of sights and sounds for a few weeks a year sounds like a mirage... or Coachella. The music festival which was in full swing this year
Putting confusing feelings to words is what 25-year-old Milly Toomey, aka Girli, does best. As a “confused and chaotic twenty-something,” her discography is full of queer love songs, breakup anthems, and honest reflections about her mental health struggles. Reserved caught up with the bubbly and effortlessly cool Milly to discuss
Model Elliott Brakebill photographed in New York City by Alexander Thompson for Reserved magazine. Cover.
NEW YORK! AFTER DARK MODEL ELLIOTT BRAKEBILL             Model & stylist | @dovemother Photographed by Alexander Thompson | @alexanderthompsonphotographer    
large metal women's shape illuminated in front of a modernist building in las vegas
The endless dusting of lights and hotel room silhouettes enrich the mythology of the city that never sleeps, Las Vegas. On this last trip to Resorts World Las Vegas, the luxuriant accommodations acted as a balance to the fiery sights outside the building’s doors. The latest attraction to come on
black and white image of a man sitting wearing black blury
In his debut chapbook, “i apologize for being such a disappointment,” the photographer and poet David-Simon Dayan turns his gaze inward, reflecting on his struggles with self-love, masculinity and vanity. Within these poems, a tangible sense of both intimacy and yearning pervades, allowing insight into his battles with expectations being
The Exhibition of Ellen Von Unwerth Bombshell was absolutely stunning, very sexy and spontaneous playful images, its was a pack crowd with lines of cool fashion people around the block, it felt like good old days in New York, its really did not feel like Los Angeles. the after party
Eddie is a Swedish model and wellness creator. Her journey to veganism started in 2012, after being inspired by the fresh produce markets in Istanbul. Soon after, she began blogging about plant-based recipes to make at home as well as reviews of vegan restaurants. She began writing Peaches in 2018 as
Elle Macpherson on the cover of Reserved Magazine digital photographed by Randall Slavin styled by Lisa Cera interview by BJ Panda Bear
The year is 2023 and the need to find beauty from inside out is ever so prevalent. However, this has not been a new path for the model Elle Macpherson, who launched her line WelleCo nearly 10 years ago, and has been ever growing supporting the internal conversation of love
heart art boy in black hoodie unholy war kill your local fentanyl distributor
We live in a time that is open to drug interpretations and liberal in the way we engage with mind altering substances. It is still quite a dangerous world as consumption of street products can ultimately lead to death. One brand taking this into account and charging up a storm
CHRISTEENE photographed in New York City by Alexander Thompson for Reserved magazine.
CHRISTEENE "DRAG TERRORIST" “CHRISTEENE is drivin tha car now haaaaay . . . “ Thus spake Paul Soileau as he metamorphosizes into CHRISTEENE, his long-standing alter ego. The performance artist has been inhabiting this “feral beast” for more than a decade. When CHRISTEENE appears, the temperature in the room changes
Offset and Philipp Plein at his pre oscar runway show in bel air
Over the weekend, Philipp Plein invited select guests over to his Chateau Falcon View to view his latest creations of couture inspired red carpet ready showstoppers. Edit by the workshop of Jacob Meir, the pieces presented a vision of excess and excess and excess solidifying Plein as the King of
Personal Fears X Private Policy NY Two of New York's Brightest Stars Collaborate For New York Fashion Week Two of New York’s most celebrated emerging brands, Private Policy NY and Personal Fears, joined forces for New York Fashion Week on Sunday, February 12th at 5:00 pm at Spring Studios. Private
PORTRAIT OF A MUSICIAN | BOB DYLAN The classic poetic drama of rock 'n' roll, and the weight of a guitar is best embodied in the new Celine Homme portrait. This time starring Bob Dylan. Lensed by Creative Director Hedi Slimane the portrait captures essential Dylan vibes from his debonair
“Human anatomy, the anatomy of clothing, the anatomy of flowers. An exploration of beauty and power through tailoring and tailoring fabrics and a focus on cut, proportion and silhouette. The foundations of fashion, cut on the body and inspired by the body within. The classic subverted: turned inside out and
Off-White c/o Virgil Abloh AW 23 look 26
"There could only ever be one Virgil. He was constantly innovating and thinking ahead and he left us a brand that can reinvent itself, grow and stand the test of time. I feel the responsibility for him and for everyone who has worked, loved, worn and believed in Off-White™. This collection
Saturn Risin9 Shot by Sam Cannon Styled by Pia Davis for Reserved Magazine Cover
Strength and vulnerability takes on a space of conflicting identities whilst we also have to frame them as a form of collaborative essences. For Saturn Risin9 the warrior and the defenseless are framed in a way which supports a stern level of wise austerity whilst the childlike semblance of hedonism
HELIOT EMIL presented the AW23 collection “Connected Forms”, in a 2,500 m2 location situated in the 15e arrondissement of Paris. Creative Director Julius Juul, was inspired by the sculptural creations of English artist Henry Moore. Best known for his semi-abstract monumental sculptures which are located around the world as public
The Foo and Foo A/W2023 Collection. Courtesy of Don Ashby. LOOK 17.
For FOO AND FOO’s Fall ‘23 collection, Elizabeth Hilfiger draws from her childhood, being raised between New York City and Nantucket, feeling like an outsider in both worlds. Fall ‘23 is an actualization of her memories, unapologetically tangling heritage nautical codes with FOO AND FOO’s irreverent take on Americana. There
Ukrainian-born and LA-based Couture designer Lessja Verlingeri set out to create a unique project in support of Ukraine. In collaboration with her Creative Director, Jenny Williams, Art Director Ricci Williams, OWOW Agency and Marketing agency Chest of Wonders. Starting with a groundbreaking piece of digital art, the team collaborated with digital
If you haven’t already stayed up til 5am binging the latest season of Netflix’s You, what is stopping you? With Penn Badgley’s Joe ever unhinged and homicidal the most fascinating turn has to be that of Ed Speleers’ character Rhys, who at first glance offers a performance of the typical
UNI and The Urchins photographed by Alexander Thompson for Reserved magazine.
UNI and The Urchins "The ROCKUMENTARY" Sex offenders, glitter bombers, art heisters, carpet munchers, bedwetters, eardrum destroyers, cat burglars, and Nomi impersonators…UNI and The Urchins were not always the illustrious outlaws they are today. Watch this definitive documentary on their humble beginnings and even humbler explanations for what makes them
Puppets and Puppets founder and creative director Carly Mark often finds herself drawing inspiration from film. Her Fall Winter 2023 collection was inspired by director David Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers; a film that follows twin doctors, played by Jeremy Irons, and their descent toward madness. Mark explored the intersection between the
CELINE AT LE PALACE THE CELINE 18 – MEN’S WINTER 2023 A place dear to Hedi Slimane that he frequented most nights during his youth starting from the age of 16 - Le Palace remains a sentimental place which triggered his future as a couturier and where he celebrated his
  What made you think about making your own t shirts? It was really a spur of the moment kinda thing. A friend mentioned he wanted to screen print some things, so we did some research on where to get screens made. It was something I hadn’t done since I
NYC punk band TITS DICK ASS photographed by Alexander Thompson for Reserved magazine.
TITS DICK ASS "GF FROM HELL" They say that after a national disaster, New York comes back into fashion. With masks gradually coming off and nightlife limping back into existence, there are whispers that it is happening again. All the pent-up energy percolating from the months of lockdown and the
At a recent press event held at The Thomas Mann House, discussions of the latest edition of Los Angeles's Frieze Art Fair was presented in detail. Moving from Beverly Hills, this year's campus at the Santa Monica Airport offers up an expansive space to feature the various galleries and culture
The KIDILL FW 2023-24 collection shown during Paris Fashion Week. Look 38. Reserved magazine.
The feelings that overflow from an individual, pure and unclouded, are like the “water” that fills a depleted vessel. Hiroaki Sueyasu, ruminating on his fundamental mindset toward creation, strongly reconnects with his “core,” which he assures eternal, through the Fall-Winter 2023 collection. Sueyasu being devoted to the masterpieces and countless
We Need New Eyes to See the Future || WALTER VAN BEIRENDONCK AW 2023
The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale of Modern Britain, exhibition invites us to sift through the gory entrails of the last five debauch decades of British razor edge cultural movements, Duo Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard, with Claire Catterall, have curated a slasher movie of an exhibition, and certainly cut up the
Nafessa Williams has a higher purpose whether in performance or in real life, it seems that the actress and mental health advocate is opening dialogs where ever she goes. Starring as Thunder in Black Lightning which ran for 4 seasons on the CW, a long line of Stans has risen in
We be body moving, but in who's skin are we in? Photographer Yuji Watanabe and Stylist Yoko Irie disrupt and explore the human body to discover the Chaos in flesh and form in iconic looks from Issey Miyake, Noir Kei Ninomiya, Kidill, Anrealage, and more for Reserved Magazine's Issue 7,
Dion Lee x The Webster celebrated the launch of the latest resort companion collection at the Webster’s LA location.   Expanding the dialog of his fluid and deconstructed knits the collection took on a feisty color pallet which well reflected the union of the Australian by way of NYC brand
Breanna Bunevacz wears Magnlens Hapa beauty Breanna Bunevacz is a model, singer, digital creator, reality star and national ranked junior equitation/jumper competitive equestrian rider in the prestigious ASPCA Maclay Medal Nationals. She’s known for the reality show ‘Making the Model with Yolanda Hadid’ during which she was featured in a shoot
Pedro Correa wears shirt by SAINT LAURENT. The last few years of pandemic productivity has been one of immense output for filmmaker Pedro Correa. He has been promoting the film My Dead Dad which he wrote, starred, and produced in, dropping on HBOMax in the past spring of 2022, the
Starcrawler digital cover - Reserved magazine. Photography by Alexander Thompson.
STARCRAWLER! ON FIRE Starcrawler emerged in 2015 when high schoolers Arrow de Wilde & Henri Cash met. They immediately clicked and started making music. Now their band tours globally. While building their own following, they’ve opened for icons like Jack White & the Foo Fighters. Iggy Pop is also a
Currently on view at MOCA is Henry Taylor: B Side. It is the first exhibition to feature an extensive survey of the LA based artist spanning over 150 works including paintings, drawings, sculpture, and installations made from the late-1980s to the present. Taylors work has long held the vantage point
Gisele wears Walter Baker Gold jacket and Sanctuary shirt. Cierra and mom wears Amer_ican t-shirt. Gisele Fetterman Reflects on a Decade Since Launching a Nationally Recognized Free Store in Her Tiny Pennsylvania Town John Fetterman has been a driving force towards socioeconomic change, serving more than a decade as mayor of
Jacquemus bra and Supriya Lele pants.   Fresh face Gabriela Quezada, is one of the lead role’s on CW’s Walker Independence, an origin story for their hit show Walker, set in the brash Wild West of the 1800’s. Quezada plays Lucia Montero, in a situation-ship with Hoyt Rawlins (Matt Barr),
In an exciting moment for the intersection of NYC’s art and fashion worlds, as of October 14th Louis Vuitton’s “200 Trunks, 200 Visionaries” show has finally landed in Manhattan after a worldwide meander since August of 2021. Having been launched first in Asnières at the Louis Vuitton Family house, then
GLÜME Harlow for Reserved magazine. Photography by Alexander Thompson. Cover.
  Glüme Harlow MUSICIAN I met Glüme Harlow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, by the pool, on the terrace. The old Hollywood ambiance suited the artist well, as if she were meant to be there. Lounging in a bikini, fur jacket, red lipstick and black heels, I’m greeted with a
Alexandre Mattiussi presented his first international post pandemic AMI show in Seoul's Gwanghwamun Square, linking the parallel worlds of Paris and Seoul. Casting included Hyun Ju Shin Tae Min, Sungjin, and Xumeen, utilizing a mix of models, nodels and fresh faces from Korea. The show differed from their Paris presentation
Return of the bumsters... paired with a razor sharp suiting! “This collection is about searching for humanity and human connection. The eye is a symbol of that humanity, a register of emotion, an expression of uniqueness. Our clothes are designed to empower. They are stripped back, dissected and focused on
Trudon recently held a cocktail to celebrate the latest addition to their Alabaster collection. The scent Vesta serves as a great continuation of the storied French heritage brand that has existed since 1643. The handmade alabaster vessel is a thoughtful detail of luxuriant artisan craftsmanship fit for the court of
I had the pleasure of mentoring nine students through their final collections at Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta. Peter Jensen who is the Chair of Fashion at SCAD ask me if I would like to be a mentor on their Style Lab. There has been so many
For a brand birthed within the culture of digital art, technique, and style Maisie Wilen has already dove into the world of WEB3 though now the dialog is focused on the tactile reality of avatar life. Using CGI marking techniques, the clothing reflected a pre composed proposition to her extraordinary
Reserved friend Nats Getty presented his first runway show for Strike Oil which focused on unisex acidic rave details spanning from leopard print 2 pieces, Mountain Dew green piping on overlock bodices and a bountiful spray of bleach treated tie dyes. The latest addition to the wardrobe came with the
A minimalist expression as always appreciated as we continue to redefine and filter what it means to be sustainable. We are in a place that is no longer using sustainability as an expression of alternative lifestyles, instead we live As We Are Now AWAN the company found by Anette Miwa
From Yellowjackets to The Book of Boba Fett, Sophie Thatcher is an actress is bringing back a certain air of cool into the actor's game. Here we take a look at photographer Miriam Marlene's portrait of the story teller.
ANGELBERT METOYER GOLDEN HORNS The afro-futurist artist Angebert Metoyer on metaphysics, transcendental art and shedding one’s identity in search of the divine. The New Orleans-born multi-disciplinary artist Angelbert Metoyer is an image-maker at the cutting-edge of afro-futurism, whose mixed-media investigations into metaphysics deep dive into trans-cultural notions of ancestral memory
In Paris AT.KOLLEKTIVE presented their universe of design at the Palais de Tokyo, framing the efficacy of ECCO leather in it’s capacity to be interpreted by a selection including Isaac Reina, Kostas Murkudis, Bianca Saunders, Bernard Dubois, and Natacha Ramsay-Levi. The latter being the first offering from Ramsay-Levi since leaving
Less than an hour after it had begun the NYPD shut down the opening of The Patriot do to the crowd of 3,000 people waiting outside to get in and blocking the street. The floor to ceiling show featured a salon style installation of paintings, drawings and sculpture presenting works of
For SS23 A-COLD-WALL* presented their first collection in Paris focusing on the textural interplay between digital and hand built treatments which added to a robust display of various technical fabrication, bringing a human touch to the avant garde label. The shapes continue to be guarded with deconstructed seams which lend
MARIEVIC’s TOURISM presents many ways the work as can be seen in its essence playfully toying with the concept of tourism vs travel experience. The inherent aspect that we don't indulge in what is present, but rather what is planned. A heightened level of appreciation for juxtaposing different cultures and
For Spring/Summer 2023, Casablanca presented Futuro Optimisto, a collection that focused on Vaqueros, Phantastica, Nature + Architecture. Incorporating Oaxacan craftsmanship and conjuring romanticized rugged riding beauty explored the west coast lifestyle. Casablanca took a surrealistic take on the prairie chic embracing a psychedelic interpretation on the cowboy's attire. The extension
As the month of June rounds out another massively successful Pride celebration, luxury Cannabis boutique HerbNJoy hosted a conversation with Strike Oil Creative Director, artist, philanthropist, and activist Nats Getty in discussion with Reserved Magazine. The evening’s chat covered the rich local tradition of seaside skate and surf weed culture and how it informed various defining moments
To celebrate Juneteenth and the continuing mission to cultivate and elevate black owners and small businesses Square gathered a cooler than thou crowd to celebrate their new “The Future Needs Your Restaurant” campaign. The evening helped to launch the latest in the new Culinary Creators Project that focused on chefs
Hailee Steinfeld and Law Roach On a perfectly balmy night at Citizen News in Hollywood Herve Leger launched their collaboration with Law Roach delivering a “Legendary” collection that will have you singing “Law, Law, Law.” There was a perfect alchemy that came into play which bridged the traditions of the
It’s hard to pick out a favorite from the selection of the Korean based brand We11done. Mirrored Metallic Mania Matched with Matte flannels has come to excite to the point of alliteration. The contrasting textures do not come off abrasive or jarring but rather complementary. Sharp minimalist tailoring in oversized
The multidimensional creative Tasya Van Ree has long been a staple of Los Angeles' culture creating photographic works that have sparked the spirit of the classic dark Southern Cali Bohemianism as well as touching upon geometric inspirations. This in part has directed her work in more recent years as a
NYC based director Clarence Fuller's new film Signs of Love, will be appearing at the Brooklyn Film Festival on June 3rd and stars Dylan Penn, Zoë Bleu, and Hopper Jack Penn. The film takes place in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia, a tough neighborhood where cultures mix but the
For Nettie Wakefield, the illustrious illustrator tapped into the irregular muse to collaborate with POAN on a capsule collection that is sure to outfit you whether for dinner or dance. In the mind of a certain type of person the urban camo that comes with crumpled McDonalds bags on the
Designer Michael Schmidt digital cover for Reserved magazine by Alexander Thompson.
MICHAEL SCHMIDT ROCK AND ROLL DESIGNER   Los Angeles-based clothing and accessories designer Michael Schmidt’s work is legendary. Over the years, he's designed extraordinary and innovative custom pieces for music icons including Tina Turner, Cher, Michael Jackson, Elton John, Dolly Parton, Deborah Harry, Madonna, Grace Jones, and many more. He's
Gia Woods often mentions "The Room." It’s a sort of liminal term. It can literally denote a recording studio, or function as a synecdoche for the song-making process, or play the role of catchall for the wider music industry. At 25, Gia has experienced many of The Room’s permutations. The
Khadija Neumann is the statuesque leader and modernist auto-muse with her wide spreading projects running the gambit from entrepreneur, activist/ philanthropist and of course designer. The former runway model shows us how she still commands the lens in this shoot by Marc Baptiste for Reserved! Featuring iconic suiting as well
Sasha Spielberg has a theory that your seventh-grade self is the person who you will eventually turn into later in life. At that age, Spielberg has already made her debut on stage at her bat mitzvah, much to the surprise of her parents who, at the time, were unaware of
Helena Tejedor, Charaf Tajer, and Mica Argañaraz In the sparkling gleam of a post full moon evening the Sunset Tower Hotel played home to Parisian purveyors of psychedelic preppy chic, Casablanca Paris. Hosted by the brand’s founder Charaf Tajer, a rainbow of stylish characters converged for a night of drinks
Reserved: Nice to meet you in the [virtual] flesh after seeing you so much on the screen. How has your pandemic been? Peter: It feels like it has been forever. But yeah, hopefully it's coming to an end soon. We keep having these resurgences, so we'll see. Reserved: What are
Partners in life, painting, and parenthood, the Brooklyn-based artists Colleen Barry and Will St. John recently showed a selection of figurative paintings, in a joint exhibition hosted by their long-time friends, Adam Driver and Joanne Tucker. The show is titled, Ride the Tiger. "Art has become overburdened by the impulse
LA based Girlpool have released their latest single off their hotly anticipated Yves Rothman produced album Forgiveness. A strong departure from their previous minimalist take on indie rock the latest single for “Nothing Gives Me Pleasure” offers up a clear evolving vision from their paired back roots into the land
Mariina | Uptown Girl in a Downtown Whirled: a gentle stroll through the industrious streets of the Downtown's Art District yields a stylish adventure with Mariina and puppy muse Cooper, shot by Randall Slavin in some of our favorite Spring 2022 offerings styled by Reserved Magazine's Editor-in-Chief Jules Wood. Jacket
Reserved Magazine teamed up with Tepozán Tequila recently to take over the Chateau Marmont pool for a celebration of 2 of our cover stars Steve Hash and Marta Pozzan. Presenting works by Steve Hash that align with Frieze Art Fair, Felix Art Fair, and Spring Break Art Show, which Steve
It’s been nearly 3 years since encountering Arielle Pytka’s work of large scale paintings of alien terrain and the endless expanse of the world she created. Through evoking the thoughts of travel and explorations into new waters she conjured up a world that in the most daunting moments of the
You weren’t supposed to touch the art in general, right? But we need to touch more than ever, the digital VIP rooms could never fulfill the same experiences of going in deep to see the crowds, clothes, consumption, and indulgences of all the various galleries and institutions. Where was the
Valentine’s Day may be over but the “Love Ain’t Over” as downtown NY staple DJ Chloé Caillet drops her latest remix EP. Enlisting collaborators Gerd Janson, Carlita and No4mat, her latest offering continues to build upon her snappy perky beats and endlessly depth of synths made for tracks that perfectly
Sylvio Giardina Haute Couture Summer 2022. #1. Reserved magazine.
SYLVIO GIARDINA HAUTE COUTURE SUMMER 22 “Les enfants qui mentent n’iront pas au Paradis” Nicolas Rey A story that repeats itself, like a ribbon destined to wrap itself and then unfold again, each time welcoming different inspirations to narrate, through the clothes, the handcrafted and authentic fairy tale of Haute
Viktor&Rolf Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022 - Image #26. Reserved magazine.
VIKTOR&ROLF HAUTE COUTURE SPRING-SUMMER 2022   With Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2022, Viktor&Rolf create spectacular beauty, utilizing their work to transform the notion of fear — which the present currently offers — into something positive. Fear can be overpowering. There are always reasons to be afraid and the present offers many.
WALTER VAN BEIRENDONCK AW 2022-23 OTHERWORLDLY   A SHOOTTHEARTIST PRODUCTION DIRECTED BY Bjorn Tagemose MUSIC Hantrax - Walter Waltz DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Bjorn Tagemose PRODUCER Katarina Vercammen POST PRODUCTION Erik Peiren High Flying Birds MODELS Tomorrow is another day Alexander Benedikt Laurens Senne MODELS REBEL MANAGEMENT Jesaja Lowie Maoro Senne
Musician Joy Downer photographed by Ben Cope for Reserved magazine. Cover 1.
JOY DOWNER MUSICIAN Joy Downer is a singer/songwriter whose music has been featured on various platforms: from network television ads to MTV’s ​Siesta Key highlighting her song “Weapons Down”, to the Netflix Original Series Spinning Out. Along with being a radiant musical talent, Joy is also an incredible mother to
Strike Oil by Nats Getty Reserved magazine.
STRIKE OIL NATS GETTY Nats Getty’s brand Strike Oil recently launched his collection of spray paint-inspired jewelry which is available exclusively at Maxfield for the 'Fine Jewelry' category, with the Semi Fine line available at To celebrate this momentous event he enlisted artist Jack Winthrop, Mendel, and Bourn Rich to showcase their
PANDEMIC FLOWERS ARTIST NEIL GRAYSON interview by Victoria N. Alexander Neil Grayson prepares his brushes by smashing the bristles straight into the wall then removing the damaged ones with duct tape. This ritual is to ensure the remaining bristles are strong enough to endure his unconventional brushwork. He prefers extra-long
Digital cover of Liily, photographed in New York City by Alexander Thompson for Reserved magazine.
THEY'RE CALLED, LIILY Photographed for Reserved magazine in New York City by Alexander Thompson. Interview by William R. Lankford. The definition of progressive in a nutshell is a happening. Or in the case of the Los Angeles-based band Liily, the happening. For members Charlie Anastasis (bass), Maxx Morando (drums), Sam
Ford model Alessiya Merzlova by photographer Greg Kadel for Reserved magazine.
BEAUTY UNDERWATER by GREG KADEL Hair: Dennis Lanni Makeup: Devra Kinery for MAC Models: Emily Grace at NEXT, Alessiya Merzlova at FORD, Bonnie P at The "In a way, this story is about being back in the womb. The blood and guts of life itself and the heartbeat of creation
DES ROCS A REAL GOOD PERSON IN A REAL BAD PLACE Interview by William R. Lankford Photography & menswear styling by Alexander Thompson A gigantic sound that's personal, unexpected, melodic, and range fully uninhibited. These are just a few adjectives that describe the New York native's sound that is Des
Emily McEnroe photographed for Reserved magazine by Alexander Thompson.
MODERNLY MCENROE EMILY MCENROE Interview by William R. Lankford Photography by Alexander Thompson It was Wednesday approaching the latter end of August that I was to meet with actor and voiceover actor, Emily McEnroe on the rooftop lounge of the Thompson Hotel in Hollywood, California. I arrived a couple of
Rorey photographed for Reserved magazine by Alexander Thompson.
ROREY! UNPREDICTABLE The most unpredictable thing about singer/songwriter Rorey, is that her musical range is the least predictable in every sense. The cadence for her recently debuted single “Predictable” is a gestural glimpse into the lyrically unsubtle vortex, exposing the unpredictability of a lover’s true position. Her internally self-expanded indecisions,
AN EVENING WITH... BLACK LIPS! Black Lips' most recent album, ironically titled, Sing In A World That's Falling Apart, was released January 24th, 2020. It was just a couple of months before the nationwide lockdown took place, and with the ensuing national uncertainties, was in and of itself an almost
ADAM GREEN MDVL: 1,000 YEARS OF DARK AGES Adam Green is an artistic polymath - a songwriter, filmmaker, visual artist, and poet. A co-founder of The Moldy Peaches and author of ten solo albums, his songs have been performed by artists as diverse as The Libertines, Carla Bruni, Kelly Willis,
Digital cover - actor Nico Hiraga for Reserved magazine.
NICO HIRAGA ACTOR/SKATEBOARDER Nico Hiraga is a 23-year-old actor and skateboarder from the West Coast, making waves not only in the acting world, but in skating as well. You may have seen him playing Seth in the 2021 film Moxiem, directed by the fabulous Amy Poehler. Or as Tanner in
  SYLVIO GIARDINA HAUTE COUTURE COLLECTION F/W 21-22 INVITATION TO TRAVEL I invite you to travel In that country that looks so much like you. The languid suns of its clouded skies Hold for my spirit the enchantment of your eyes when they shine dim. Down there everything is order
  IRIS VAN HERPEN 'EARTHRISE' AUTUMN WINTER 2021-2022 Iris van Herpen shows her latest collection ‘Earthrise’ during Paris Haute Couture Week on July, 5th 2021. With our planet positioned at the forefront of the global agenda more than ever before, ‘Earthrise’ explores the splendour of this blue body we call
BAD HUMOR BOBBY DEAN DEMPSEY From the star, writer, and director of award-winning Candy Apple and Deadman’s Barstool comes full steam ahead...Bad Humor! Bobby Dean Dempsey’s highly anticipated new web series skirts the edges of political correctness with irreverent and poignant social commentary for the humorist in need of a
BOARD LUCAS BRENNER Photographer Kolby Knight's men's skater editorial for Reserved magazine. Starring male model Lucas Brenner with DNA Model Management New York. With incredible styling by Sarah Benge. Beautiful men's grooming by Elizabeth Morache. Music by Andrew LaVogue.
PRICE JAMES YOU CANNOT KILL DAVID ARQUETTE Price James is a comedy director and scriptwriter based between Los Angeles and London. Commonly known for comedy, genre and creative concepts, his high-energy performances veer into fantasy and action movie satire. If Terry Gilliam and John Landis had a child, this is
THE TRIAL AGAINST OURSELVES BLAUE & POPPY On Christmas Eve, 2015, Julian Blaue, Edy Poppy and their baby boy are robbed by two impoverished, armed men in Rio de Janeiro. Blaue & Poppy’s first reaction is to report the two assaulters to the tourist police. They later regret it. This
TAYLOR JUSTINE Q&A Los Angeles-based beauty Taylor Justine photographed exclusively for Reserved magazine. Photographer Randall Slavin. Editor Jules Wood. Hair by Gui Schoedler for Exclusive Artists using ColorWow Haircare and ghd tools. Makeup by Jocelyn Johnson. Taylor Justine at Agency Industry LA. Interview by Bonnie Foster. Photographed at Reserved Ranch
INJA ZALTA ACTRESS & ENTREPRENEUR Inja Zalta is a Slovenian actress, known for No Escape (2020), Rustlands (2019) and Godhead: In a fiction, In a dream of passion (2021). Photographed exclusively for Reserved magazine by Sinisha Nisevic. Editor Jules Wood. Makeup and hair by Mynxii White. Interview by Bonnie Foster.
DREAMER KOLBY KNIGHT Photographer Kolby Knight's beauty editorial for Reserved magazine. With makeup by Kacie Corbelle, using Dior Makeup. Models featured are Ana Milojevic from Ford Models and Isabelle Durant Geneviève Maniscalco from One Management. Photographed at Parachute Studios in Boston.
CATHERINE FULMER FASHION DESIGNER Born and raised in Southern California, Catherine Fulmer’s sensual garments meld together her passionate love of rock’n’roll and classic feminine designs. Her clothing has been featured on a number of celebrity clients in high-profile publications such as WWD, Vanity Fair, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, The New York Times,
Ashley Benson photographed by Randall Slavin for Reserved magazine - Spread #3.
NO HELP FOR THAT ASHLEY BENSON American actress, model, writer, director and singer Ashley Benson photographed exclusively for Reserved magazine by Randall Slaving. With styling by our Editor-In-Chief Jules Wood, makeup by Shane Paish and hair by Kylee Heath. Male Models featured: Phillip Ponesky from LA Models and Devin Truss
Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood Autumn-Winter 2021-22 - Look #15. Reserved magazine.
MAYFAIR LADY AUTUMN - WINTER 21/22 “I could have spread my wings + done a thousand things, I’ve never done before. I’ll never know… my heart took flight. / I could have danced, danced, danced all night.” The songs of My Fair Lady R profoundly human + relevant to today. We gave
Vivienne Westwood Autumn-Winter 2021-22 - Cover #2. Reserved magazine.
VIVIENNE WESTWOOD AUTUMN - WINTER 21/22 This season, we started by looking at Daphnis and Chloe, 1743, a painting by French Rococo painter François Boucher, which is housed in the Wallace Collection, London. It became the main print for the season - with the sky and pastoral scenes reflected through the colors
DIRTY PINEAPPLE FALL/WINTER 2021 Individual proclivities in digital are a recurring theme at Dirty Pineapple. The team is no stranger to exposing the personal impact of modern digital behaviors. With Covid restrictions, online conversations have shifted to what's local, bringing attention to one's own back garden. From relationships to food
Libertine for Fall2021. Reserved magazine.
LIBERTINE FALL 2021 As the founding force behind Libertine, Johnson Hartig ups the ante in fashion by creatively immersing himself and those around him in a whimsical trip where old school classics meet new school know-how. Having first launched the label in 2001, today he continues upon his quest of
Willy Chavarria AW21 - look #16. Reserved magazine.
WILLY CHAVARRIA AUTUMN/WINTER 21 This is a story of elegance and endurance; the core elements of what WILLY CHAVARRIA designs. A call to simplicity. Clothing with a feeling of warmth and protection. The colors of New York are seen throughout the collection. Deep blacks, piercing blue reflections off glass skyscrapers,
Chocheng F21 - Opener. Reserved magazine.
CHOCHENG AUTUMN/WINTER 21 For his Fall/Winter 2021 collection, Designer Cho Cho Cheng transports us to the cheerful and inspirational tale of Mulan as choreographed in a 1980s Utopian style. A Peking Opera dripped in glamour and humor. A vibrant potpourri of fantasy, Disney and Fellini. Set in monochromatic and geometric
Spencer Draeger photographed for Reserved magazine by Alexander Thompson.
Dräger "THE VILLAIN YOU NEED" Dräger is the ethos of Spencer Draeger’s dystopian modern era. With his hand on the pulse of a generation saturated in anxiety and melancholia, part satirical, part sarcastic but overall playful—Spencer takes a light hand to the heavy themes of technology, love and society at
Private Policy FW21 - look #3. Reserved magazine.
PRIVATE POLICY FALL/WINTER 2021 Imagine the American Wild West in the 1800s: a grand landscape of mountains, ocean, desert, and valleys; ragged miners and cowboys; fortunes and opportunities from undiscovered gold that awaits throughout the land. However, not many may know the unique history in which hundreds of thousands of
AKNVAS FW21 - Opener. Reserved magazine.
AKNVAS FALL/WINTER 2021 The fall winter 2021 AKNVAS collection is created from a lens, which is looking at a world, in which we are all seeking comfort and safety. Creative Director Christian Juul Nielsen’s inspiration journey took him to revisit his roots while living in Paris and Copenhagen. The results
Ka Wa Key AW21 - opener. Reserved magazine.
  KA WA KEY AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 Through The Looking Glass, KA WA KEY AW 21 collection observes the duality of the imagination and reality inspired by larger than life characters and their dual personalities. Characters like Willy Wonka, Moira Rose, Peter Pan, Mad Hatter just a few to mention. Through
Timo Weiland menswear Fall/Winter 2021. Reserved magazine.
  TIMO WEILAND FALL /WINTER 2021 Polished leisure, the intention for the latest TW collection is timely in the uncertain era of WFH wardrobe and a return to the art of dressing for Zoom. Co-founded in 2010 by Timo Weiland, Alan Eckstein and Donna Kang, Timo Weiland is a New
Sylvio Giardina Spring/Summer 2021 Haute Couture look book.
  SYLVIO GIARDINA SPRING 2021 COUTURE The new collection, divided into 7 “chapters”, plays on the disruption and radical transformation of previously codified balances and proportions, aiming at enhancing the regenerative power of a skillful artistic and sartorial craftwork and, at the same, the value of longevity, distinctive trait of
  Glüme "GET LOW" Glüme shares her new single “Get Low”, the latest track from her debut album “The Internet”. "Get Low is about the high of falling for someone & how it effects your brain chemistry & nervous system. With autonomic dysfunction & a heart condition, it makes the
Terri Terri video still -
  TERRI TERRI "LOVERS IN NO TIME"   Terri Terri is the solo project of composer and multi-instrumentalist Mark Noseworthy. Noseworthy continues to write and produce his own music during his time off as a Magnetic Zero. ‘Lovers in No Time’ was written, recorded and performed alone in isolation with
Supermodel Natalia Vodianova backstage at Iris van Herpen S/S 2021 Haute Couture show.
  IRIS VAN HERPEN SPRING/SUMMER 2021 Iris van Herpen shows her latest collection ‘Roots of Rebirth’ during Paris Haute Couture Week on January 25th 2021. During such rarefied times, the designer explores a symbiosis of high technology and the artisanal craftsmanship of couture, through a collection that references the intricacy
Luis Wright for Reserved magazine.
  THE BOY WHO FELL TO EARTH LOUIS WRIGHT Louis Wright! Introducing a new face to the modeling world!! Louis is a 17-year-old who hails from the Los Angeles area. Photography & Film by Mynxii White. Stylist/Art Direction Jules Wood. Thank you to NO SUCH AGENCY.  
Allie Concannon photographed for Reserved magazine by Alexander Thompson.
  ALLIE CONCANNON AMERICAN BEAUTY Allie Concannon is one of those effortless looking girls. You know the type. The kind that gets photographed in a spectacular sequined gown, then casually tosses it off and throws on her boyfriend’s t-shirt and cutoffs, looking even more spectacular. When you ask Allie where
Musician John Roberts photographed by Alexander Thompson - Cover image. Reserved magazine.
JOHN ROBERTS FREAKS “I want to get hearts racing, energy flowing, and make people feel good!” says John Roberts, singer & songwriter, EMMY Award-nominated actor and comedian. His deep-rooted love for music can be traced back to his youth. At the onset of the 90's he fell in love with
DIRTY PINEAPPLE SPRING/SUMMER 2021 Hush Garden “Hush little baby, don’t say a word” The opening lyrics of this perennial lullaby might be the repeating loop you hear in your head while experiencing Dirty Pineapple’s Spring/Summer 2021 collection. Individual proclivities in digital are a recurring theme at Dirty Pineapple. With previous
MADISON PAPP “Madison Papp’s Recipe For Creating Alchemy In The Kitchen & In Life” As a chef, Madison Papp takes a distinct and progressive approach to food, flavor, and cooking using a balance of fantasy, elegance, and unbridled vibrance. Born and raised in New York City, she grew up among
threeASFOUR - S/S 2021 Vesica Piscis Directed by Jessica Mitrani and Alex Czetwertynski XR Virtual Production Content Alex Czetwertynski Director of Photography Charles Billot Choreography Jonah Bokaer Producer John Morgan Music Georgia Editing/VFX/Graphics Alex Czetwertynski First AC Bobby Davidson In Association with Worldstage Worldstage team Shelly Sabel - Creative
  COLLINI MILANO 1937 Spring/Summer 2021 NO ONE IS INNOCENT. No one is innocent. Our collective experience has revealed a common destiny, a shared responsibility, a connected humanity. With the awareness that the simple pleasures of life are the most precious. And a new priority: to add beauty and gratification
PRIVATE POLICY - S/S 2021 For Private Policy's upcoming collection, the designers chose to refocus our understanding of beauty. Embarking on a search for the modern day Aphrodite, the collection expands upon the belief that it is not a beauty pageant but a process of accepting ourselves and others, thriving
 Big Chief Dowee Robair Have you visited New Orleans and fallen in love with the city’s intoxicating mix of food, music and culture? The city is home to traditions—styles of art, cuisine, music and, yes, fashion—that cannot be found anywhere else. Nothing personifies this “only-in-NOLA” culture like the Mardi Gras
Carmine Rotondaro “Contamination For Glamour “ COLLINI’s Brand Legacy Of Heritage Couture & Resilience In The Age Of Covid-19 RESERVED MAGAZINE has a version sit-down with Carmine Rotondaro, COLLINI’s dynamic Creative director and CEO to discuss his vision behind their provocative new campaign. The juxtaposition of the model  engaged in
4254 Olympic Gold Medalists-turned-fashion designers, Élodie Ouédraogo and Olivia Borlée, speak to me over Zoom from their respective homes in Belgium. The interview was meant to be in person in Los Angeles, but like everyone, the girls have readjusted their plans for the worldwide COVID-19 lockdown. Among the many other fallouts of
ALABAMA BLONDE Alabama Blonde sits at her computer with a white background, keeping her surroundings mysterious. She’s relaxed in glasses and a black beret, and we begin by talking about her cactus garden. She’s afraid of heights, and the cactus barrier surrounding the edges of her balcony make her feel better
  JULIA CLANCEY Daria wearing Julia Clancey Pink Slinky head wrap, Earrings and Necklace PK Bijoux, Lion cuff Snake cuff Vintage cuff and ring by Hirst Collections, ring by Frangos, Bracelets @thehirstcollection by Kenneth Jay Lane, Satellite, Amishi, Askew London, Kenneth Jay Lane Madi wearing Dragonfly Tassel Turban by Julia
BLACK DAHLIA: Candy and the Science of Bliss Arriving fresh out of the candy lab, Taryn Garcia makes the life of a confectioner sound just as surreal as the childhood mind imagines; it’s the life of an artist, chef, and mad scientist, all rolled into one.   Head chef along with Greg
Known for its lavish celebrity disco parties in the late 1970s, Studio 54 became a symbol of the NYC elite, and many of the images—such as Bianca Jagger on the white horse— were as notorious as the club that inspired them. Behind the camera of many of the famed photographs
The moment Miljan walked into the Air France Lounge at New York’s JFK Airport he was immediately inspired by the architectural environment to create an installation/exhibition “Studio Visit”. As the first site-specific art installation of it’s kind the Air France lounge, his 35 large vibrant abstract works that were met
helena christen
‘In My Dream Last Night…’ is the armature behind an ongoing short film and sound concept by creative duo Stærk&Christensen, in collaboration with a number of artists from various fields who are a continuous source of inspiration to the duo. A collection of personal moments, thoughts and dreams are revealed
ART & THE DNA OF CREATIVITY NEIL GRAYSON by Anthony Haden-Guest There is an empty frame on a wall in Neil Grayson’s SoHo studio. It’s a handsome frame, hanging alongside his portrait of his father. What he was planning to put in it? “Nothing,” Grayson said. “That’s Salvador Dali’s last
It is a historic time in the history of the United States. More women than ever are running for president, educational opportunities are slowly advancing for women globally, and America has returned to having a female Speaker of the House. However, the fight for women’s rights and equality still rages
Movement — a physical manifestation of our endless imagination. It allows us to create, to connect, to observe, and most importantly to know ourselves. To move is to be free. In this series, Fagan captures the intimacy of spontaneous expression. The motions, inspired by ballet, are so beautifully thoughtless they
Between running her own radio station, modeling, and campaigning in the ongoing crusade for equal women’s rights, it’s a wonder that Theodora can even find time to squeeze in an interview. Growing up in a household with Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones, it’s fairly inevitable that a strong musical
The Claypool Lennon Delirium is one of those rare bands that make you smarter when you listen to their music...The mood hovers around the spectrum of psychedelic rock, with dizzying bass riffs and otherworldly electric guitar.
Coincidentally, just a couple weeks before showing ZAC ZAC at Coterie, Posen was asked by Google and their online program Made With Code, to create an LED dress. Made With Code’s website encourages girls to study science and technology. It tells the stories of various young ladies who have learned
Drawing across a surface is a mysterious adventure, full of complex possibility and poetry. While the works represented on these pages date from the 1970’s to the present and incorporate diverse processes and mediums, they all share my life’s preoccupation with the power of the drawn line.
My creative process is centered around the concept of evolution and the capacity to transform. I believe these concepts spring from a sense of optimism that we are not necessarily bound by our past, but by the boundless potential of the future. When a viewer engages with my work, I
Most recognized for performance as a non-traditional method of painting, Brown uses her body as a tool to create artifacts that are remnants of her process. Reminiscent of abstract expressionist studies, Brown produces aesthetically whimsical paintings with a deep underlining rawness of human emotion. Viewing the body as a vessel
‘Etiam capillus unus habet umbram suam’ - The smallest hair casts a shadow + Francis Bacon
The school sits square, brick, and bunker like, cupping a central yard, which I do remember as the exact spot Artie Cano knocked the wind out of me with one punch to the stomach after I said something he didn’t like. This, right in front of the willowy Michelle Jones,
Feminist has become a dirty word. So often people feel uncomfortable openly identifying as a feminist because of the misguided notion that the term means that women should have power over men or that it is a euphemism for “man-hater.” Feminism is the belief that men and women should have
I don’t have an ideal type of man. I guess the ideal man is the one who identifies with these clothes and who feels better in them. My clothes don’t scream but they do tell a story. You have to have the patience to understand this story to really appreciate
1. At what point in your life did you first identify as a feminist and when did you become aware that a culture existed that devalued and debased women? I didn’t really learn about feminism until I went to college. My mother was always a feminist but I don’t remember
Last spring we were invited to the home of producer, musician and guitarist, Nile Rodgers in Westport, CT for an interview and photo shoot of epic proportions. Along with us was Liz Derringer, renowned music journalist, who cut her teeth at Warhol’s Interview Magazine and former wife of music legend
Jen's ability to deliver cherubic, velvety vocals that effortlessly transition into the radical rumble of a runaway 18 wheeler doing 90 mph on an open highway is a feat in itself to witness live.