The next generation of change-makers is seeking to make our world a more habitable, hospitable place, both in physical and global, social environments. With a radical set of talents, and an eye toward building a better future for generations to come, the youth set chimes in on their design for the globe passed down to them.

Photographed by Mynxii White
Lex 30 years
What are your hopes and dreams for the next generation? What kind of world would you like to see?
// My hopes and dreams for the next generation are that they are exposed to nature more than they are exposed to electronics.
I think we are moving towards an iPad raised generation of kids and I don’t want to see that. I think give them rocks instead of electronic products.
How do you think the next generation will contribute to making a more inclusive and compassionate world?
// I think the next generation has it right! They are moving forward with inclusivity with everyone. Especially with fashion, they are see- ing more advertisements with more black people and more brown people than ever before. I think that is opening their eyes to beauty not being singular. It’s not one color, we are seeing different shapes, we are seeing different sizes. I have high hopes for the future. I also think they are seeing visions of what it can be.

Photographed by Mynxii White

Photographed by Mynxii White
Andrew 12 Years
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
// I see myself as a lawyer, trying to help people, and hopefully changing the world from what it is today. I see a lot of unfair things this time around.
How do you see the future, what positive things?
// I see the goodness of me trying my best to make things positive and changing the way people view things in life. Changing how they are, what they stand for, and what they truly mean. Sometimes we put each other down when we should be positive, no matter the case.
What are the things you see yourself changing?
// I would like to help people smile. I hope to see people accomplish what they stand for, because sometimes people give up. I want to truly help my peers express who they are and be more open to the world.
In response to questions about their futures, the children responded in their own words:

Photographed by Mynxii White

Photographed by Mynxii White
Oliver 9 Years
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
// In college and being a very good actor.
How do you see the world in 5-10 years?
// Futuristic, Elon Musk style
Are you happy and hopeful for the future?
// Yeah.
How do you feel you can help with the world’s environmental problems?
// Just stop doing what we are doing to the world! Just stop it, it sucks!
What would you do after?
// Not do it at all just forget about it.
Is there a specific place in the world you want to visit in the future?
// Japan.
What do you think will be your favorite subject in school will be when you are older
// Science, I just love science, it’s just so cool. You make stuff.
How do you think technology might change when you are an adult?
// Jeffery Bezos will take over half of the world. I don’t know and everything will be tesla themed. The trees will have these panels on them that will provide more air, so like since we are taking down more trees, you make these panels, and they provide way more air.
What do you think will make you happy when you are all grown up?
// (to mom) Just to spend more time with you. Everyone!

Photographed by Mynxii White
Marion 9 years
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
// I think college. I want to study singing and to be a veterinarian.
What do you want to do to fix the world’s problems?
// I think we should stop dumping trash into the landfills and we should reuse instead of it going to the landfill.
Is there a specific place in the world you want to visit in the future?
// I would like to visit a pet shop. I would like to go to Israel and Paris. I would want to go camping that’s one place. I really want to go to Patagonia, I would probably go to the water slides there. I wanna hike in the mountains and swim in the water.
What do you think will be your favorite subject in school will be when you are older?
// I think my favorite subject will be math and science. I really love science.
How do you think technology might change when you are an adult?
// I think it will change, I feel like they will make some robots, more robots. I think the robots are cool. Robots are cool be- cause the technology that they have, the information.
Do you think you’ll be able to ask robots questions, tell me anything else about technology as you get older.
// Maybe. I might be able to become a scientist.
What do you think will make you happy when you are all grown up?
// I think what will make me happy is my kids. And my dad and my mom and my sister and my brother. The secret is gonna be is still be my sister my brother and my dad and my mom.

Photographed by Mynxii White