- What made you think about making your own t shirts?
It was really a spur of the moment kinda thing. A friend mentioned he wanted to screen print some things, so we did some research on where to get screens made. It was something I hadn’t done since I was a kid and we just went with it. - Did being a photographer inspire you to make your own screen printing.
The imagery definitely came from my photography/design background. I am always making things and working out ideas artistically. It usually manifests itself as a painting or some other type of art piece. This is my first attempt at doing a product line though. - How did you start in photography?
My dad gave me my first camera when I was in 6th or 7th grade I believe. I really dug into shooting and printing in the darkroom throughout college and have always used photography as a medium in my art. I fell into the commercial world once I ended up in LA and began assisting in my early 20’s. - What age where you when you decided to be a photographer?
I don’t think I ever really decided that was the direction. It just went that way and made more sense than pursuing the ceramic avenue or playing in bands. I always love creating and will find a way to make something with whatever is around. Photography took over and became an actual career, but its only one of the many creative outlets I use to work out ideas. - What has been the best seller on the t-shirts?
So far, I’m not sure. It depends on the crowd. Some people love the DADDY shirt, and some love the SPANK YOU shirt. I’m personally a fan of the ART DOESN’T EXIST shirt. I think people that like graphic tees will always go for a ridiculous idea with good design, so I imagine there will be one for everyone. - What is the most fav design so far?
I think the SELF shirt is my favorite design overall. - Who has been wearing your T shirts?
I gifted Jenna Ortega an ART DOESN’T EXIST tank that I custom cropped when I was with her last week, and I have given a few out to some celebs I’ve shot recently here at the studio. We will see who wears what. We have also sold quite a few through the different events at the studio recently so I’m sure they will start popping up around LA soon. - What celebrities have you photographed in the T shirts so far?
We just launched the line over the last couple weeks so it’s still quite new. I am sure the opportunity will present itself soon to work it into my celeb shoots soon. - What next for you?
We are going to launch the ecom for the shirts on the SAD Studios page soon and start promoting everything along with the rebranding of the studios. More art events, more music performances, a little more of everything honestly. - Who inspires you the most?
That’s hard to say. I stay pretty self-motivated and forget to look around sometimes. - If you could place the tshirt on someone who you loved who would it be?
I think Brad Pitt needs a DADDY shirt?